Compliments Slips
Often undervalued, compliments slips are the unsung heroes of your marketing collateral. They can make even the dullest attachment or enclosure seem corporate without having to spend lots of time and effort.
The quality of your letterheads and compliments slips can speak volumes about your business. The weight of the paper, the colour of the sheet and the quality of the print can all help give you the edge to create a premium feel for your company.
We’ll make sure they match with your business cards and letterheads to create a uniform impression.
Options for Compliments Slips include
- Wide range of papers available
- Recycled papers
- Conqueror paper
- Textured stocks
- Watermarked
- Spot colours
Find out more about Kall Kwik Banbury‘s compliments slips today
To find out how Kall Kwik can help you with your compliments slips contact our Banbury office on 01295 271838 or use our online form to send us any enquiries.
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